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SATSANG & DANCING KIRTAN : Foundations of Hinduism, Tantra & Bhakti Yoga

Sat, 15 Jul


The Ashram

In honour of Krishna, the Eternal Lover. Followed by a delicious Indian thali for those who wish to stay for dinner (dāl, two different sabjis, raita, rice and achars).

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SATSANG & DANCING KIRTAN : Foundations of Hinduism, Tantra & Bhakti Yoga
SATSANG & DANCING KIRTAN : Foundations of Hinduism, Tantra & Bhakti Yoga

Time & Location

15 Jul 2023, 15:00 – 18:00

The Ashram, 06700 St-Laurent-du-Var, France


About the event

Popularized by the Bhakti movement of medieval era Hinduism around the 6th century, the foundations of this tradition are found in the Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna describes Bhakti Marga (path of loving devotion) as a means to liberation, alongside Karma Marga (path of action) and Jñana Marga (path of knowledge).

In Maharashtra, where Saraswati grew up, Kirtan includes story-telling and a call-and-response chant, led by the main performer (the kirtankar) and accompanied by traditional indian musical instruments such as the harmonium, tabla and karatalas (cymbals).

Kirtan is for everyone. Its practice dissolves the notion of separation by connecting us to the moment through sound, guiding us deep into our heart. It creates a sense of connection and unity : at first, when the kirtankar sings a mantra and you sing it back, you are aware of yourself. But as time passes and you relax into the chant, your perspective shifts and your sense of “me” evaporates.

Some experience this as joy and ecstasy, others describe it as boundlessness or timelessness…

In a world filled with messages about how we’re separate from each other and separate from the divine, chanting mantras together unites us in a way that no other form of Yoga does.

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Photo Credits : Tara Kauffmann - Olga Trofymenko - Olivier Remualdo - Kisha Dacevic - Olivier Benarroche - Unsplash - Depositphotos 

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