When great beings leave their physical body, it is considered their final liberation, as they are now free of the physical bodyâs limitations. This is called Mahasamadhi, and is considered very auspicious.
When we think of our departed loved ones, sadness can arise because we miss interacting with their physical form. This is natural, since emotions are experiences that come with having a body. Once we awaken from the illusion of separation and realise the Oneness beyond form, we no longer identify with our emotions or seek to control them : just like waves in the sea, we can observe them coming and going endlessly.
Thirty-eight years ago today, Swami Muktananda (affectionately called "Baba" by his devotees) took Mahasamadhi on the full moon night of October 2, 1982 â in remembrance of him I would like to share a memory retold by Swami Prakashananda, who met Muktananda in 1969 :
One year on the anniversary of Bhagawan Nityanandaâs Mahasamadhi, Baba was giving an Intensive that day on Prem (Love). It was also the 100th intensive of his second World Tour. After we chanted the introductory mantras Baba began his talk by saying that it was a good day, being that it was the 100th Intensive.
âBut for me,â he continued, âit is also a bad day.â He explained this by saying, âMy knowledge, my philosophy, whatever I teach, whatever I have learned, is within everyone in the form of Truth.â Then pointing to a photo of his Guru, Baba said that he (Nityananda) had taught him that Truth dwells within everyone.
Baba continued by saying, âFifteen years ago today, in the morning, was a very bad moment for me.â As he said this, a wave of emotion suddenly came over Baba, and his voice began to break, and tears welled up in his eyes. He said, âThat morning I lost a great Guru. It will be very difficult to find his company again in any life.â
With great difficulty Baba continued. âThis Intensive is on Prem (Love), but instead only sadness arises. He was my great Guru. He was really very great. He was the greatest. Such beings are very rare. You find such beings very rarely. With only one word, or one touch from such beings, oneâs life is completely transformed. Although he did not go anywhere, still, he disappeared from these physical eyes.
Nevertheless, even though he left his physical body, he is still with me in his subtle body. Yes, the topic of this Intensive is love, but it appears that my feelings have reversed. Instead of laughing, I am crying.â
Muktananda did not try to hide his emotions; they are part of the life experience. The important thing is to understand that we are neither our emotions nor our thoughts â they are just passing by : you can choose to get caught up in them, or to let them be.
I grew up with Baba, and was seven and a half years old when he took Mahasamadhi. Even though his physical form is no longer here, he has never ceased being with me and continuing to guide me along the way. Thinking of him last week inspired me to write an article about guru-tattva, the Guru principle : you can read it here.

Souvenirs de mon Guru đ§Ą
Lorsque les grands ĂȘtres quittent leur corps physique, cela est considĂ©rĂ© comme leur libĂ©ration finale, car ils sont maintenant libĂ©rĂ©s des limitations du corps physique. Cela s'appelle Mahasamadhi, et est considĂ©rĂ© comme trĂšs auspicieux.
Lorsque nous pensons aux ĂȘtres chers qui ont disparu, on peut se sentir triste parce que l'interaction avec leur forme physique nous manque. C'est naturel, car les Ă©motions sont des expĂ©riences qui
accompagnent le fait d'avoir un corps. Une fois que l'on s'éveille de l'illusion de la séparation et qu'on réalise l'Unité au-delà de la forme, on ne s'identifie plus à nos émotions et on ne cherche plus à les contrÎler : tout comme les vagues dans la mer, on peut les observer aller et venir sans fin.
Il y a trente-huit ans aujourd'hui, Swami Muktananda (affectueusement appelĂ© "Baba" par ses fidĂšles) a pris Mahasamadhi la nuit de pleine lune du 2 octobre 1982 â en souvenir de lui, je voudrais partager un tĂ©moignage racontĂ© par Swami Prakashananda, qui a rencontrĂ© Muktananda en 1969 :
Un an aprÚs l'anniversaire du Mahasamadhi de Bhagavan Nityananda, Baba donnait une Intensive ce jour-là sur Prem (l'Amour). C'était aussi la 100Úme Intensive de son deuxiÚme Tour du Monde. AprÚs qu'on ait chanté les mantras d'introduction, Baba a commencé son discours en disant que c'était une bonne journée, puisque c'était la 100Úme Intensive.
"Mais pour moi", poursuivi-t-il, "c'est aussi une mauvaise journée." Il expliqua cela en disant, "Ma connaissance, ma philosophie, tout ce que j'enseigne, tout ce que j'ai appris, se trouve en chacun sous la forme de la Vérité." Puis montrant une photo de son Guru, Baba dit qu'il (Nityananda) lui avait appris que la Vérité réside en chacun.
Baba poursuivit en disant, "Il y a quinze ans aujourd'hui, pendant le matin, c'était un trÚs mauvais moment pour moi." Alors qu'il disait cela, une vague d'émotion envahit soudain Baba, et sa voix commença à se briser, et des larmes lui montÚrent aux yeux. Il dit, "Ce matin-là , j'ai perdu un grand Guru. Il sera trÚs difficile de retrouver sa compagnie, dans n'importe quelle vie."
Avec beaucoup de difficultĂ©, Baba continua. "Cet Intensive est sur Prem (l'Amour), mais lĂ , seule la tristesse survient. C'Ă©tait mon merveilleux Guru. Il Ă©tait vraiment magnifique. C'Ă©tait le plus grand. De tels ĂȘtres sont trĂšs rares. On trouve de tels ĂȘtres trĂšs rarement. Avec un seul mot, une seul contact de ces ĂȘtres, notre vie est complĂštement transformĂ©e. Bien qu'il ne soit allĂ© nulle part, il a quand mĂȘme disparu pour ces yeux physiques. NĂ©anmoins, mĂȘme s'il a quittĂ© son corps physique, il est toujours avec moi dans son corps subtil. Oui, le sujet de cette Intensive est l'amour, mais il semble que mes sentiments se soient inversĂ©s. Au lieu de rire, je pleure.
Muktananda ne cherchait pas Ă cacher ses Ă©motions; elles font partie de l'expĂ©rience de vie. L'important est de comprendre que nous ne sommes ni nos Ă©motions, ni nos pensĂ©es â elles ne font que passer : on peut choisir de se laisser emporter par elles, ou de les laisser ĂȘtre.
J'ai grandi avec Baba, et j'avais sept ans et demie quand il a pris Mahasamadhi. MĂȘme si sa forme physique n'est plus lĂ , il n'a jamais cessĂ© d'ĂȘtre avec moi et de continuer Ă me guider tout au long du chemin. En pensant Ă lui la semaine derniĂšre j'ai reçu l'inspiration d'Ă©crire un article sur le guru-tattva, le principe du Guru : vous pouvez le lire ici.
It always starts with a spark of consciousness, a quick moment of being aware that something is happening (usually strong emotions) but that somehow, a part of us is sitting quietly in the midst of it all and observing without being engulfed by the "soap operaâ. The moment I first noticed this Witness in me was when I was a teenager : even when in the grip of an emotional, hormonally-driven, drama â you know, yelling and slamming doors â there was a part of me that was very calm, completely at peace. Sometimes an amused thought would pop up : "Ah, here she goes again!" It felt as if someone was sitting there eating popcorn đ I became accustomed to have these two different aspects in me. It was restful to take refuge in the Witness inside when a storm was raging outside. Eventually, comprehension came.
then go on Monika !
I am becoming aware of the fact that my emotions and my thoughts are part of my physical existence. It is, however, deeming difficult to detach myself from the ego (i have observed). Sometimes i find myself in a rut of emotions and over thinking and then a moment of consciousness arises but so quickly the mind tries to over power this with more thoughts more emotions.... Awareness of this, is however a start... now to continue with that awareness... uh thats the challenge âïž but a challenge worth pursuing.
quel beau témoignage d'amour ! merci my Saraswati